

The Marketing Secret About Twitter That Most People Don’t Know

Re posted from Twitter is maybe the most misunderstood and under estimated social media marketing tool in the social media top 5 including Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. Most people still think it is just about superficial conversations, insignificant daily events and news.The Marketing Secret Most People Dont Know About Twitter The reality is that


The New Gmail Inbox: How It Works and Why Email Marketers Should Pay Attention

Noticed a change in Gmail lately. Well it doesn’t just effect your personal email. Email marketers need to make adjustments to leverage the new format as well. Read More @ Hubspot


17 Ways Marketers Can Leverage Facebook Graph Search

Posted in Internet Marketing, Stream by VW Dev

Are you using Facebook Graph Search as a marketing power tool? If you knew more about your Facebook fans, how would that improve your marketing efforts? Marketers can now use Facebook Graph Search to perform focused searches that will return better, more accurate search results that can be of real use to your business. Read


Why Your Company’s Social Media is Failing

The below article is reprinted from an article originally appearing on July 22nd by Dave. K on  Linked In The other day, I had an issue with my television service. As a social media author and CEO, I did the first thing that comes natural: I tweeted, and posted a complaint on the company’s Facebook


Going beyond Facebook and Twitter – 5 More Platforms Worth Considering

When people we speak of social media and networks the first two brands that come to mind are Facebook and Twitter. With Facebook at Alexa Rank 1 followed by Twitter at rank 11 they are clearly the market leaders in this segment. You look closely at any business’s website their presence would be front and